Outlines the token smart contract specs, supply distribution and liquidity pair info.
Name: QLix
Symbol: QLIX
Contract address: 0x0a907B0bBFF60702b29a36b19718D99253cFBD9F
Network: Ethereum (ERC-20)
Total supply: 1,000,000 (1 million)
Max supply: 1,000,000
Circulating supply: 1,000,000
Decimals: 18
Tax: 5% buy, 4% sell (no transfer tax)
Contract ownership is renounced. There are no whitelisted or blacklisted wallets.
Supply Distribution
Liquidity Pool: 85%
Marketing: 9%
Team: 6%
85% of QLIX supply is paired with $5,000 worth of WETH and launched via Uniswap V2.
Last updated